Here are some of my projects:
Food Delivery Application
Affiliated with Northeastern University, Dec 2020
This is a class project I did with a team of three people, and we adopted Scrum as the agile workflow for efficient project management. We developed a food delivery application using MVC design pattern. We utilized MongoDB for scalable database and designed RESTful API for our application, and implemented Spark Java framework as the web application server. I also used ReactJS to create a user-friendly frontend for our application. The application is deployed on Heroku.
Github: Backend, Frontend
Java, MongoDB, ReactJS, Spark Java, Dagger, Heroku
Recipe Organizing Application
Affiliated with Northeastern University, Dec 2020
This is a full-stack application that I created for a class final project. This application allows users to create their own pantry and search for recipes. I used Node.js as the backend environment and worked with a 3rd party API for searching recipes. I designed the application frontend using Vue and used Vuex as the state management tool. This app is also deployed on Heroku.
Github: Backend, Frontend
Node.js, Vue, RESTful API, Heroku
MetaChrom Genomic Variant Effect Annotation Server
Affiliated with Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, Aug 2020
I'm working on this project with a PhD student from TTI-Chicago. I'm responsible of developing a backend infrastructure of the server for the genomic variant effect annotation model he built. I also made an easy-to-use front-end design for the website. The server is still under development, but the estimating deployment time will be in October 2020.
Python; Flask; Nginx; HTML/CSS; Pytorch
Startup Database Analysis Web Application
Affiliated with Northeastern University, Jun 2020
This is a class project I did with a team of five people over the summer. We designed a relational model for a startup analysis system using data on Kaggle, and Developed a web application using JSP with database connectivity to the SQL server.
Java, MySQL, JSP, Apache Tomcat, HTML/CSS
Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition Project
Affiliated with Columbia University, May 2017
This is a class project I did as an undergraduate student. Although I was not a CS student back then, I took a course in data science and developed a sentiment analysis and emotion recognition model with machine learning. The model has 88% recognition accuracy. I also built a well-defined GUI for this project, which allowed users to upload images for facial expression detection.
Python, Flask, Machine Learning, HTML/CSS