
Here are some of my projects:

    Featured Project
  1. Food Delivery Application

    Affiliated with Northeastern University, Dec 2020

    This is a class project I did with a team of three people, and we adopted Scrum as the agile workflow for efficient project management. We developed a food delivery application using MVC design pattern. We utilized MongoDB for scalable database and designed RESTful API for our application, and implemented Spark Java framework as the web application server. I also used ReactJS to create a user-friendly frontend for our application. The application is deployed on Heroku.
    Github: Backend, Frontend

    Java, MongoDB, ReactJS, Spark Java, Dagger, Heroku

  2. Featured Project
  3. Recipe Organizing Application

    Affiliated with Northeastern University, Dec 2020

    This is a full-stack application that I created for a class final project. This application allows users to create their own pantry and search for recipes. I used Node.js as the backend environment and worked with a 3rd party API for searching recipes. I designed the application frontend using Vue and used Vuex as the state management tool. This app is also deployed on Heroku.
    Github: Backend, Frontend

    Node.js, Vue, RESTful API, Heroku

  4. Featured Project
  5. MetaChrom Genomic Variant Effect Annotation Server

    Affiliated with Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, Aug 2020

    I'm working on this project with a PhD student from TTI-Chicago. I'm responsible of developing a backend infrastructure of the server for the genomic variant effect annotation model he built. I also made an easy-to-use front-end design for the website. The server is still under development, but the estimating deployment time will be in October 2020.

    Python; Flask; Nginx; HTML/CSS; Pytorch

  6. Startup Database Analysis Web Application

    Affiliated with Northeastern University, Jun 2020

    This is a class project I did with a team of five people over the summer. We designed a relational model for a startup analysis system using data on Kaggle, and Developed a web application using JSP with database connectivity to the SQL server.

    Java, MySQL, JSP, Apache Tomcat, HTML/CSS

  7. Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Recognition Project

    Affiliated with Columbia University, May 2017

    This is a class project I did as an undergraduate student. Although I was not a CS student back then, I took a course in data science and developed a sentiment analysis and emotion recognition model with machine learning. The model has 88% recognition accuracy. I also built a well-defined GUI for this project, which allowed users to upload images for facial expression detection.

    Python, Flask, Machine Learning, HTML/CSS